Thursday, January 17, 2013

Housework, Housewife, Dr. House, Household, House

I've been thinking about housework. (Who am I and what have I done with me?) What got me thinking about this: the sound of the vacuum is driving me crazy. Hear that? Sheesh. Why don't they invent a silent vacuum cleaner?



We used to pay someone to clean every two weeks, and the week in-between it was "through the middle cleaning" to get by. But we can't afford that anymore. In the last two years my insurance has gone up over two hundred dollars, and I ain't had a raise on my retirement check since 2004.

So now, it's divided by three and I use that mathematical term loosely. I do what little piddly stuff I can, my husband does whatever he can't keep putting off after DAYS of putting it off and then being so dramatic about how hard he works that I'd just about skip grocery shopping for a week and hire someone again, except I really like to eat. (Shut up)

My daughter does a lot. She is in college and works part of a day at the church, but she's been unable to find a part time job, so I gave her one. The pay is pretty good. She gets a roof over her head and food. It's sort of like living in one of those posh resorts with all the amenities, like running water and stuff.

We are having a guest this afternoon, plus it's Thursday and things really go downhill here by Thursday. Lots of trash, lots of dust, lots of cat/dog/people hair, everywhere. Especially cat hair. We have one cat that can crouch and squeeze her eyes closed and drop four or five clumps of hair on the spot. She's very talented.

And, have you ever noticed, you think your house is clean and then you are going to have company and it's like the whatyoumacallits fall from your eyes? Look at those cobwebs! See that pile of books that haven't been moved since 1989! And where, may I ask, did that come from? Unbelievable.

I cleaned out the kitchen sink with Comet after my daughter cleaned up the kitchen, and I happened to glance up at the window sill in front of me. Oh. my. lord. I usually think of this as a pleasant place. I have a little carved bluebird, a tiny watering can with wild flowers painted on it, a pretty snow ball plant, and Tobias.

Tobias is a beta and he swims around and watches everything we do. He really likes for us to be at the sink and stove; I guess it's entertaining to him.

But the window sill was no longer a nice, smooth cream color. It was fuzzy and scuzzy. I'm a poet and don't know it.

So I took all the aforementioned stuff off the sill and got the old Windex out and cleaned her off.

Now the house is immaculate.

Somebody turn that durn vacuum cleaner off!

Ahh, that's better.

I wonder if I have time for a nap before company....

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