Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Fidget Spinner? Nope, just my head.

You know how you have days when you look back and go: What the heck? 

Well, my day started like that on Saturday morning and hasn't stopped. And it's ding dang Tuesday.

First of all, on Friday night, Husband accidentally locked Frost, our cat, on the back porch all night. 

Other than  knocking over a plant and peeing in the floor, it didn't appear damage had been done. After all, the porch is screened in and on the second floor. 

He waltzed in and wanted food. All seemed to be well. 

A few hours later he and our other tom, Eli, went back on the porch and that's when the fight broke out.

Suddenly Eli went berserk. At first we thought a wild animal was outside, but it was Eli and he was attacking Frost.

Now: Eli is a young Maine Coon whose bones and muscle weighs in at 21 pounds. He is a polydactyl, which means he has twelve claws in front and ten in back. His canines are HUGE. 

Frost is an older, declawed (came that way from the shelter) 19 pounds of blubber.

In other words, he doesn't stand a chance.

And every time Eli got close enough to sniff Frost, the fight was on.
We have sprayed water in Eli's face. We have separated them as much as possible.

It's a nightmare. 

So, I called the vet. He agrees something outside changed the way Frost smells. So tomorrow, to further traumatize the cat, we will take  him to the vet for a bath.

We are going to give Eli a chill pill. So when Frost gets back (they will have to sedate him to bathe him, trust me), we'll have two drunk cats. Let's hope when they sober up, and Frost no longer smells funky, all will be well.

What else?

Well, our electricity was off for over three hours last night, which means we don't have water either.

I made the mistake of trying to speak with a customer service rep. at AT&T and almost lost my mind.

Our wheel barrow had a flat tire.

We got stood up for the fifth time for yard work.

Oh, and Mimi (our other cat) got a gimpy leg so bad on Sunday she could barely walk. But yesterday she was better, and today you can barely  notice she's favoring the leg a little. But Sunday, she was pitiful.

I tried to call the local public library today to inquire about a book. The number had been disconnected. I tried twice. Daughter rolled her eyes, took the phone from her senile mother and dialed the number. It had been disconnected for her, too.

I'm sure there's more, but frankly, I just can't think about it anymore.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Excuses, excuses

I haven't blogged much lately, but that doesn't mean I'm not writing. Believe it or not, I'm trying to put a book together to be out in November. I didn't say I'd succeed, but who knows? Maybe.

I've also written an article for the genealogy society, my regular newspaper article, and a few poems and short stories, which I haven't done in a while.

You have to write when inspiration comes along.

Also, as you know, I had an in depth interview that will someday be shown, and that took some thought.

I also had to put on make-up.

And, of course, I had to buy a new outfit for the Georgia Author of the Year Awards, which is next Saturday. I don't know exactly why I had to buy a new outfit, as sitting in that big crowd doesn't call for one, but anyway, I did.

I have a  lot of other excuses, but they ain't as excitin' as the ones I just shared, so I'll just shut up for now.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Looking back

You know how when you are looking for something and never find it, but find other neato peachy keen stuff?

Well, that's what I did.

By the way, if anyone knows where all my elementary school class photos are, please let me know.

I know they are all together. I vaguely remember putting them somewhere else when running across them a year or so ago. They'd been in the same spot for 40 years, but you know how it is...

Anyway, I did find my high school graduation photo: I am in the fourth row from the top, third from the right. This isn't the whole class because the pic was too big to scan.

I also found a "Bobcat's Den" newspaper. it was the last edition of my senior year, so they did a lot of senior stuff. One was what made up the perfect senior girl and I got : complexion. They knew me by: my short stories. they also had a fake reporter to "looked us up twenty years after graduation to see where we were": I was the mother of four children working part time at "the opera house". they also gave seniors an opportunity to do their last will and testament before leaving the high school life forever. Mine read as follows: I, Kathi Harper, leave my height to Denise Davis. I leave my place in the office 6th period to anyone who is in need of losing weight. I leave my short story writing to anyone who likes to be censored and my typewriter to anybody that can perform miracles. I give my peace of mind to all the weirdos around here. And lastly, I just leave.

I read this to daughter and she said, "Well, I see you haven't changed one little bit." 
I didn't know whether to thank her or be insulted. But it did leave me thinking: I'm afraid she's right.
Here's the rest of the senior picture, in case you are looking for yourself: 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Beginnings and Endings

I have two friends who are sisters. Their mother passed away this morning. She had not been well for several weeks, and it was inevitable, but when you have your mama living for 98 years, you just get to thinking maybe she'll stick around.

It made me realize that my grandmother passed away on this same date 27 years ago. As you may have read at other times, we buried her on her 84th birthday, which she would have loved.

I took note too, that my in-laws were married in 1937 on this date. They knocked on the preacher's door and he married them on the  porch in his bare feet.

I wonder how many babies were born today? And how many more folks passed on to the rest of their lives on this very day? 

Or will, before the day is ended.

It could be you, it could be me.

May first: a day of beginnings and endings.