Friday, January 18, 2013


I went to a funeral today. Standing room only. There was a lot of good, funny stories and unbelievable singing, as I knew there would be. He was a great musician, as was most of his family.

I've been to many funerals when the place was packed. Most of those times it was a very young person, or once, a teacher who had little children.

Once, a friend and I went to a funeral and we were the only two people there except for maybe six family members. The deceased was in her nineties and had been out of the area for some years. I guess folks just forgot about her.

I wonder which one mine will be.

How about you?

Do you want a great big celebration of your life, testimonies as to how  you lived, with lots of family and friends to fill the room?

Or do you want to outlive everybody who really loved you and be remembered by a few old co-workers and one "baby" brother who is almost ready for the grave himself?

And, the last question, does it really matter?

Not to the deceased, I bet.

But to be on the safe side, I'm gonna do my best to come up with some good stories for folks to tell about me!

Feel free to ad lib when the time comes, I'm sure I won't care either.

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