Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Which Way Did They Go?

As I whined  mentioned previously, I have been having some pretty severe back problems.

Wonder tape and a back brace have helped me a lot.

So, after weeks of putting off a promised shopping trip with  Daughter to a store we both wanted to visit, in a town I haven't been to in about a dozen years, which lies about an hour plus a little from home, we decided to take off and just do it, as they say.

We had no trouble getting there, in fact it was a straight shot to the store. Okay, okay, so I accidentally had her turn into a Cracker Barrel parking lot, but that's human nature and I can't take responsibility for that.

We shopped for a good while, she tried on stuff, made some purchases and off we went toward home.

Except something went a teensy bit wrong and we rode "lost" for an hour and  a half extra. 

The aggravating thing is, I did this very same lost trip a dozen years ago. 

You can't leave this town the same way you go in, and the exiting is very strange. 

I had some underlying anxiety about this the whole time we shopped.

Perhaps it was a premonition. 

Anyway, I've paid the piper today, doing nothing but laundry and lying abed, editing away at my (maybe) next book.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be better and can blog about the 30 or so things I've been thinking about....

If I can just remember them.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Long Time, No Blog

It's been a little over two weeks since I blogged last. I have missed it, but have been recuperating and trying to catch up with my "real" life for the past few days. 

I will resume blogging regularly by Monday, I hope. I've thought of so many things to talk about!

Gee, at my age, I hope I don't forget any of the topics.

Now, what were we talking about?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Blogger Down!

Pardon my absence. Bear with me a little longer. Flat on my back is not my happy place. Yelling and crying is not the usual voice of my people.

But that's where I've been.

Give me a few more days before you give up on me and give your heart to another.