Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Humans are a strange bunch, all in all.

I went to Lowe's today with Husband to pick up a couple of things, simply to get out of the  house and not be heading toward the doctor's or a hospital. We were only gone a little while; it was a nice break.

When we went into the garden section (which I can never resist) I could hear a rather loud voice. It was female and Asian. I couldn't hear what she was saying, just that lilt that told me English was not her first language.

When we finally moseyed over to check out, she was the check out person. The first thing she said to us, in her sweet little accent was, "How ya'll doin' today?"

Obviously, she's been here a while. It was hard to keep a straight face, though. But I managed.

Friend and I were on the phone later on this afternoon. We mulled over the mystery of mankind and pretty much figured out if we could rule, we'd do better.

She'd gotten a REFUND from our local hospital, saying they'd charged her too much. I was stunned, even if it was only fourteen dollars. "Where you gonna spend it?" I asked reverently.

"I ain't. I figure next week I'll get a bill telling me I owe it to 'em."

I said, "With interest."

Her property taxes have gone up, mine went down. That didn't make her happy, even though she's my "friend".

I explained it had nothing to do with  my house. I figured the houses around me weren't selling and it made the value of mine go down. Which is fine with me, since I ain't sellin' and druther pay lower taxes.

"Well," she huffed, "How can mine go up when there isn't anything but trailers and poor people all around me?"

"See," I explained, "They make you look good. That's why your taxes went up."

Laugh or cry, you gotta do one or the tuther.

We chose laughter.

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