Friday, June 6, 2014

Farmer Hill

Ah, the garden spot.

An even dozen tomatoes on the vine. More, please.

The beans are growing up the poles that Husband stuck last week. The vines curl like a skinny green snake, eager to reach the sky.

Onions are almost ready for the pickin'.  I love me some onions.

Butter beans ain't doin' so bad, either.

Squash!  Yay!

Red lettuce is showing up  nicely, too.

My favorite, potatoes, are peeking out.

We've spent enough money on this garden to keep us in groceries via the Piggly Wiggly for six months.

But I ask you: would it taste as good?

Nope. Not by a long shot.

Now, if I can just convince Husband to get out there and weed.

He will, he says.


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