Saturday, July 12, 2014

On Books

Do you ever read a book, wherein the heroine and hero are thrown into the air by the blast of a bomb and sorta wish they don't make it so the book will hurry up and end?


I've just finished two good books, one really good.

"The Brethren" by John Grisham is a good book. I enjoyed it.

But "Jerusalem Gap" by T. R. Pearson is a great book. I loved every word. He knows just how to turn a phrase, how to make you smile and wish the book was longer.

I have the latest Diana Gabaldon in my clutches, and will start it tonight.

However; the one I just finished was not good. Daughter could have done better - heck, I could have done better - when we were in grammar school. It's obviously one of those "outline" books. A person is given an outline and they follow it.

Wish they wouldn't.

I was suckered into reading it because it was about twins. And once I started, I didn't want to stop because I was already in bed and in too much discomfort to get up in search of something better.

That'll teach me.

Anyway, I love books, both reading and writing them.

If you have any books  you  love dearly and would like to share the title so I can read it too, please do!

Well, off to rest my back.

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