Thursday, July 24, 2014

More Company!

Nancy from Broken Arrow arrives tomorrow and will spend the night with us. I worked with Nancy approximately one hundred years ago, and we have stayed friends regardless of where she decides to live. (One never knows.)

I've become a lot more relaxed about company than I used to be, mainly because I can't do squat and depend on Husband and Daughter to clean.

So, I figure what gets done, gets done, and what doesn't - well - you 've read my list.

Maybe I can dazzle her with funny jokes and good food.

She probably doesn't care.

I mean, do you visit with wondering how clean the top of the refrigerator is? Or if they dusted under the bed?

You do?


Well, maybe I can just always visit your house.

I'll brag about the state of the top of your fridge.

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