Friday, February 22, 2013

There's Something Bugging Me

They’re everywhere. They are taking over my house. They are in my windows, on my mirrors, counter tops and tabletops. They are on my sink, in my tub. They fill my light fixtures and soap dishes. They are running laps around the cat’s water dish.

If you don’t dodge ‘em, they’ll fly right into you, as though you are an inanimate object.

They are kinda cute, at least at first. But after being bitten by one, their ugly side showed up. I wanted revenge but didn’t want to take out innocent victims and I couldn’t tell which one had done the biting because they all look alike.

There, I said it.

I’m really beginning to be annoyed by ladybugs. And I use the term “lady” lightly.

My cousin said they fell into his soup and he ate one. He says they’re bitter. I don’t know if he meant the taste or because he ate one of their legions.

And guess who buries their dead? Every morning a fresh crop of corpses are there needing to be swept up. 

They don’t even care about their own!

But the final straw has come.

I had just had my bath and put on nice, warm, clean sweats. I sat down to do my hair.

Now that I have a giant scar on my back from surgery, I cave in a little there,  so when I raise my arms, the elastic from the sweats don’t stay snug to my body…there’s a little opening…see where I’m going with this? Suddenly I begin to feel a tiny tickle, a gentle crawling sensation on my, um, uh, bottom.

How do I say this delicately? I reach into my undies and pull out a dang ladybug!




This has got to stop!

People unite!

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