Sunday, February 3, 2013

Held by a Murderer

You know, you meet a lot of different kinds of crazy folks working in the  mental health field.

And I'm not talking about the patients.

My husband worked in the metro area when our daughter was born. He took a few weeks off to learn how to be a daddy, but when the end of the month came, he had to fill out paperwork, so we all journeyed down to his work place. His co-worker who was there, and between clients, came out to the lobby and cooed and ahhed over our new baby and held her, reminiscing about her own children when they were babies.

She seemed like a pleasant sort, my husband had been in workshops with her (once she was his sparing partner when they took a self defense course), and they had chatted some.

A few months later she got fired.

Seems she was in the emergency room dealing with a client and happened to glance up at the television. "Oh, that movie is about me." she said.

The movie was about a woman who murdered her next door neighbor. With an axe.

Now, I ain't going into more details than that, because I don't want identities to crop up and get all in my face for telling stuff. Although what I'd be telling would be a mystery, since there was a movie and all.

Anyway, she got fired because she lied about have a criminal background, not because she murdered someone.

I mean, when you work for the state, there has to be some morals and ethics!

Upon hearing the story, the first thing I screamed was, "She held my baby!"

Life is weird. You never know who you're gonna meet next.

Just always check 'em for weapons.

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