Monday, March 16, 2015


Today is the kind of day where people get out their shorts, fling open their windows, take the dog for a walk, fish, play ball and revel in the sun and seventy degree weather, then come home and wash the windows they flung open. (Just kidding on that last one.Wanted to see if you were paying attention.)

Me, I'm doing income tax.

Why? Because today is the day I marked on the calendar, and if I don't start, well....

But don't mind me.

Go cavorting.

Don't give me a thought, as I hunch over a foot of paperwork, a calculator and a pencil with an ever dwindling eraser.

I'm fine.


I'll be finished just in time for winter to come whooshing back, as it always does this time of year.

Hope that dampens your spirits.

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