Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Fashion Tips

If Husband had his way, he'd wear khaki pants every single day.

When we worked, I absolutely refused to let him do this, because I thought it reflected badly on me - as though he were wearing the same pants every day.

The reflection was bad enough that he was always wrinkled, unless we could get to the cleaners; being as I don't iron. Ever.

So, we compromised. I picked out his clothes to wear except on Saturdays. That way he could wear his khakis, his dark blue, his dark green, his grey and his black slacks, too. As well as jeans from time to time.

He would also wear a blue shirt every day, if left to his own devices. In fact, every time he's ever gone shopping by himself, he brings home the very same blue shirt.


Also, did I mention he is color blind in some areas? That can certainly make for an interesting outfit, let me tell ya.

But now that we are retired, I don't pick out his clothes, unless it's Sunday or unless he asks me to do this. (Translation: "All my khaki pants are dirty, what shall I do?")

Now, I am prone to like the same type of clothes myself. I don't shop anymore much, I have no reason to. Which is why I panic when I have to actually look decent. Most my clothes go way back, as in when I worked.

I retired in 2003.

I've never been a real clothes horse, anyway, but when everything you put on that has a waist or a belt, or heels, etc. makes your back hurt worse, you begin to look to elastic to be your fashion statement.

At the book signing Saturday you can recognize us by Husband in his khakis and me in a pained expression.

Can't wait to see you there.

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