Friday, October 3, 2014

This Just In...

News Report from Flagpole Road:

I just read that "they" have done a study and, without a doubt, students who take notes longhand do better on tests, remember what they studied for longer periods of time, and understand what they have learned, than those students who took notes on a laptop.


Our hand/brain connection is stronger than our laptop/brain connection.

The only slight  problem is there are already students in advanced grades who cannot write or read longhand because public schools are no longer teaching it!

Man, I love this country.

Day before yesterday there was a grown man jumping up and down at the airport yelling, "I'm going to Heaven! I'm going to Heaven!" 

He was nekked.

Apparently, he didn't get to Heaven quickly enough because he was stun gunned by the police and toted off.

Using my infinite knowledge in shade tree psychiatry, I'd say this man was in the manic phase, either caused by natural chemical imbalance, or helped along by something he ingested.

There's a new pill coming out for those of you who have a time going to the potty on a regular basis. And, no, I don't want to hear from you.

It's called the 'wiggle' pill, because about seven hours after you swallow it, it begins to wiggle inside your intestines and makes people go potty about twice as much as they have before.

(See above comments about "I'm going to Heaven!")

Everyone is saying we are in for the worst weather of the century. Since this century is only a teenager, I'm not as worried about that statement than if, say, we were in 1999.

However; if the signs are right - and the Farmers Almanac says they are - we will have a cold one. The acorns are falling like hailstones, the berries on my dogwoods are huge and plentiful, my legs need shaving more often.

There you have it.

So, I figure we need to prepare for being snowed or iced in for a few days or a week. We have a full pantry, Husband promises to crank the old generator to make sure it will still run, we have a few cans of gas so it can run, we have some firewood for the fireplace, and the gas tank is full so that we can have hot water, a way to cook and run the logs in the sun room.

And, most importantly, I have purchased new toothbrushes.

End of news.

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