Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Takin a Trip to Town

Off we went Monday to Atlanna (yes, I'm spelling it that way, 'cause that's how everybody says it, anyhow).

I had a doctor's appointment, and as always things down that a'way are always interesting. I will tell you about a few of them.

Please, hold your applause.

1. I got new and different pains, which I proudly presented to the doctor. The first one he diagnosed as probably(!) carpal tunnel and wrote a prescription for a wrist splint. He also offered the option of having the old stick a needle in your muscles and turning on electrical impulses to see how you react. (Can you guess how I reacted when they did that to my freakin legs?) I declined. He warned me, that if the splint didn't work, he'd have to run tests to see what was wrong.

I'm suddenly not  minding the numb hand and such as much as I had before.

2. I sat "perched" back in July for more than an hour in a situation that I didn't feel I could unperch in. By the time I got home I was just about bedridden, and my massage therapist couldn't help. I caved and went to a chiropractor, who after 3 sessions got me better, but it was back in a few weeks. Things still ain't right back there, but I'm better. 

The doctor listened and his advise was, and I quote, "Don't do that again."  Tell me again how many years he went to school?

He did go on to explain that I had damaged my sacroiliac (stop laughing!) and that it took a long, long time to heal and it was very painful. You ain't tellin me nuthin, brother!

So, my sacroiliac is outta whack, my right arm/wrist/hand is numbing all the time, and I'm gonna have to get a journal to list my pitifulness before it's over.

Husband worries all the time I'm going to fall down and, I quote, "Wind up back in Kennestone" which is apparently his worst nightmare.

So, walking back to the car he's saying, "Watch that crack in the sidewalk. Remember what happened that time when you broke  your ankle." And "There's a slight incline here, watch out for it." Daughter is rolling her eyes at all this.

As he points all this out to me, he walks into a shoulder size poll.

It's a lot like having Inspector Clouseau as a seeing eye dog.

Speaking of dogs: We were sitting at a red light and Husband spots a puppy American Bulldog with its little face smushed up against the window in the car to our left. He/she is trying to sleep, but is too small to really get comfortable in that position. Daughter suddenly realizes there's a giant Boxer in the back seat, staring back at us. We get all excited and are cooing and ahhing. The driver looks at us, but never smiles. Lighten up lady! You got great dogs!!

That was my Monday.

How was yours?

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