Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Dog Was Where?

Since I'm writing in a bigger font, I wonder if you can hear me better.

Husband complained yesterday, as he was proofreading my blog, that it seemed to him that the print was getting smaller. (It isn't)

But then I figured he might not be the only old person reading this blog, so I thought I'd biggie size it.

Of course, being an old person myself, I'll probably forget to do this by tomorrow.

So, like, I forgot to add one more thing that happened while I was at the good doctor's Monday. I, unfortunately, didn't get to witness this as I was already back in seeing the doctor.

But Husband and Daughter both relate this story, straight faced. Husband even repeated it at church last night.

He related a woman came into the waiting room with a little dog. Did I mention she was in a doctor's waiting room with a dog???

This wasn't a service dog. In fact the dog was all dressed up and the woman was holding it like it was her little bitty baby. Awww. Except she was in a waiting room. At a doctor's office.

Anyway, someone asked her what kind of dog it was.

She had a stutter, apparently. She replied, "Shit-shit-shit-shoo."

Truth is stranger than fiction.

I still wonder why it was allowed. (the dog, not the stutter).

We were in a restaurant the other day and a lady walked in with a little dog, right through the restaurant and then back out.

The little dogs are everywhere now.

I just wonder where the health department is.


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