Saturday, September 13, 2014

That cost HOW much??

When Husband and I got married, 29 years ago, a loaf of bread was 89 cents. This was the best bread you could buy, and if you waited until the end of the week, you could get it for 69 cents.

I remember when it went up to $1.09 and I was outraged!

It is now $3.18 and on sale. The loaf of bread width is smaller, as is the length.

What, they think we don't notice?

Gum is smaller, buns are smaller, candy bars are smaller, even toilet paper, for crying out loud, is more narrow.

Where does it end? (no pun intended)

My grocery bill has sky rocketed, and we are about to be on a very rigid budget, allowing as how we've had a deduction take place in the income area of said budget.

I reckon soup beans and corn bread can still keep a person alive.

Husband would eat that every day anyway, if it was served to him, and never complain at all.

He'd also like an onion, if available, but if not, oh, well.

I almost never buy new clothes (as those who see me Sunday after Sunday in my 1990's dresses can attest).

My weaknesses are things like quilts, lamps, dishes, that sort of thing.

But I ain't buying them much, either.  For two reasons: 1. No money 2. No place left to put 'em.

I remember we thought we'd be rich as soon as we didn't have to buy formula, baby food and diapers anymore.

Well, Daughter is 24 years old, so it's been a while and our bank account looks dismal.

Don't get me wrong. We aren't starving, we aren't about to lose our home or car or anything drastic.

I am just observing that prices keep going up and salaries keep going down.

Yet, the news tells us how great everything is!

I have two questions:

1. What are they smoking?
2. Who is buying them off to say stuff like that?
3. Where can I get the job?

Okay, that's three questions, but the last one is just a joke.


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