Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My House is not a Fashion Shoot

Some days  my house looks better than others, as I am sure is true for most people's homes.

I haven't had a good past few days physically, so it is more of a wreck than usual.

But even more than that, we are attempting to decorate for Christmas:
Even the cats are stressed out, as you can plainly see.
What got me thinking about this was looking at a Traditional Home magazine this morning. The houses are spotless, of course. But what really got me was the cashmere scarf laying by the bathroom sink, because it matched, I guess.
But, really?
Raise your hand if you know people who drape their cashmere scarves next to the bathroom sink because it looks pretty.
I thought so.
I have seen equally silly stuff in magazines before because it makes pretty on the printed page. If people look at these homes and then look at their own, I imagine the results are similar to those when curvy women look at the stick thin women modeling clothes and instantly know a: it won't come in their size and b: even if it did, it wouldn't look good on them.
Why is there so much pretend out there? Shouldn't our house look like somebody lives there? Shouldn't women actually look like women and not girls who are still growing into their womanhood?
Perfect houses, perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect nails, perfect cars.
I bet nobody is home in any of it.
Hadn't you rather have warm and cozy? Soft and curvy? A little human, a little flawed?
If  not, well, go live in a magazine. I'm sure you'd be welcome, as long as you don't spill anything.
I'll close for  now and clean up the kitchen, then start on the tree.
Who knows? Maybe in a day or two we'll be able to walk through the living room without endangering our lives.
Until then,
The Uncluttered, Uncurvy, Untruthful Blogger

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