Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Belief in Oneself

I've been singing in public since I was fourteen years old. I love to sing. In fact, I sing all the time.

I've been told I have a good voice. I was urged to go to college and major in voice.

That was not my calling, and I believe you must be driven if you are to make something like that your life.

Obviously, by now, I have  heard myself sing.

But when I listen, all I hear are the mistakes. That note was a little flat. My voice wobbled too much at the end. I breathed at the wrong place. I sang the wrong word!

You get the picture.

I don't have a lot of faith in the beauty of my voice.

I still sing. I feel sometimes the nudge of the Holy Spirit to sing a particular song, and I hope I don't ignore those nudges, no matter what they are about.

But writing is different. Don't get me wrong. I am well aware there are better writers out there. Many, many they number.

The thing is, I don't mind reading what I've written. I go back after something is "cold" and re-read it and often times am pleased. I think, "Did I really write that?"

I'm not sure why I am so confident about one talent and not so much about the other one, when I'm given compliments about both.

Maybe it doesn't really matter how I feel about either one of them.

I just need to keep on doing what God instructs me to do.

He'll make beauty out of the beast when He chooses.

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