Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Whine Alert

Per protocol, after a Mother Hospitalization, I am now flat out, out of business.

I can't scoot in the bed, I can't get up from sitting or lying, I hurt, hurt, hurt.

I panic when I can't scoot. I mean, almost like an attack. I get all weepy and little girl. Scares me to death. Husband talks in soothing tones and does the scooting for me. It is a terrifying thing and I can't explain why this gets to me the way it does.

I went to the chiropractor and usually that helps, but this time, only for a moment or two.

I am on muscle relaxants, pain meds and anti-inflammatory so you'd think I'd feel something. Well, I do, kinda. A little, um, out there.

Heat is helping more than ice, so heat it is.

I got things to do, people!

I need ya'll to come together and pray that my back will ease up so I can go forth and do what I need to do this week.

Thank you.

PS: Sorry for the whine fest, but that's just the way it is sometimes, ya know?

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