Friday, February 19, 2016

Mistakes Happen

Everybody  makes mistakes.

Like wearing a navy shoe and a black shoe to work.

Like calling your new boyfriend your old boyfriend's name. Twice.

Like going into the men's restroom because you are in a hurry and didn't look. Until you got in there. Boy, you look then!

Like going into the wrong movie and not realizing it until it's half way over.

Stuff like that.

I made a horrible mistake today.

I decided to clean out the refrigerator.

Now, it's been swiped and wiped,here and there, higgledypiggledy.

But not a take everything out including all drawers and shelves and wiped down from top to bottom cleaned out.

Someone should have reported us to the proper authorities months ago.

Husband, when he was called on to help reach a few hard spots called it, "Kitchen Hell". 

It did look pretty hellish.

It took three times longer than it should have.

Now the refrigerator is almost empty; it's clear a grocery shopping day must happen soon.

Husband can call that "Grocery Store Hell." 

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