Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Woe is Me

I've hardly blogged the past several days, because it is hard to think, even about something silly, maybe especially about something silly, when your brain -pardon me - is full of snot.

I've  been sicker than sick and it finally traveled south to my lungs.

So now I'm on an antibiotic, an inhaler (hate, hate, hate, loathe), a decongestant and some other stuff.

I can tell the illness is getting better, though I have no energy and am enjoying the side effects from the antibiotics.

Husband started getting sick Saturday, so he went to the doctor this morning and they put him on the same antibiotic I am on.

Our church probably thinks we've become one of those families that show up every great once in a while to warm a pew.

I could go on, but you get the drift.

And if you are like anyone else I've spoken to lately, you don't feel so good yourself.


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