Monday, May 12, 2014

The Long Or Short Of It

Here is a little preview of something I've been working on.

My questions are:

1. Is it worth it?

2. Beginnings of a novel or "just" a nice short story?

Who knows, as I asked the other day.

Here goes:

          As he put the car in a lower gear to climb the ever steepening rise of the road, the whole town came suddenly into focus. It was as if a magician had pulled back a curtain and revealed a hidden secret.  And with its appearance, every memory he had hidden from himself for the last twenty years rose to the surface, much like the town had done.
          He took in the bridge, the steeple and the old houses in one swift gaze. Beyond, the entire town was surrounded by the mountains that were at this moment in all their autumn glory. The evening sun shone on them, lighting them with fire from within.
          The little town was where his parents had been born and were raised. All his family had gone there for holidays and summer stays.
          He could never imagine actually living there, but he could not imagine wanting to live anywhere else.
          So many good things were there, including his first love. He could smile and remember how it felt to hold her in his arms. Their first kiss still made a sharp pang zing through his heart.
          Some friends were gone. One lost to a raging storm off the coast, another to a raging storm inside his own body.
          Ready or not, he was here and prepared to stay.

          At least for a while.

Whadda ya think?

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