Monday, March 3, 2014

Where Do All My Great Ideas Come From?

You ask.

Let me tell you:

If you ever think about starting a blog, and need some great ideas, I know where you can get several.

Your spam folder in your e-mail.

For instance, today I got one entitled: 'Naked pictures of people you know!'

No offense to those I love, but I could not think of one single solitary person that I know, even vaguely, whom I would like to see naked.

Much less a picture. Seriously? 

What are these people thinking?

They obviously don't know anybody I know, or they wouldn't even suggest such an idea.

Which shows you it's spam, for real. Claiming to know folks I know. Pffft.

The very idea.

And, speaking of ideas, see how I get my ideas for blogs from my spam folder in my e-mail?

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