Friday, March 14, 2014

Touchy Subject

As afore mentioned, big old baby Husband is sick with a cold.

This may or may not have made him more touchy about his upcoming birthday next month.

You know, the one where he turns sixty-five.

We've had a devil of a time with our insurance, with him going on Medicare and all. It's aged me ten years dealing with them.

We didn't think much about the buzzard in our yard yesterday until Husband got mail from one of the local funeral homes with a "free gift" inside.

I knew something was up when he came back in the house from the mailbox muttering under his breath in his still croaky voice.

Please excuse the use of the word,"croaky".

He was saying, "Don't they know it's just a COLD?" and, "I'll outlive ever one of 'em!" and, "I'll shoot that buzzard out of the sky with  my slingshot!"

Who does he think he is, Dennis the Menace?

Anyway, I will tread gently the rest of the day.

I won't use words like "old" or "senile" or "codger".


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