Monday, March 17, 2014

Talking to Myself...

I was on my knees, bent over the faucet in the bathtub washing my hair. I was thinking, and said aloud, "Oh, no!"

I didn't know anyone was around until I heard Husband say, "Do you need my help?"

I laughed and said no, I was talking to myself.

You see, it started out innocently enough. A name struck a chord within me and a short story evolved. At least I thought  it was a short story.

I had it all tied up neatly, a cute ending, everything just so.

And suddenly, the next day, while I was washing my hair, a second "chapter" if you will, started forming in my head.

Musta been cause I was turned upside down.

My just finished novel isn't even cold. It's in the proofing/editing process, not ready to offer as a sacrifice to my publisher yet.

And here I am, my brain hearing characters hollering around at each other in my poor head.

It's sort of like having a newborn and finding out you're pregnant again.

I'm not ready.

Like that  matters.

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