Monday, November 26, 2012


I believe what we are attracted to in others is the reflection of ourselves we see.

So it is of utmost importance that we see ourselves clearly, who we really are.

For if we see ourselves dimly or deluded, the mate we choose may often surprise and dismay us.

They are what we thought we were (or weren’t) which is painful for us to observe.

We generally dislike some things in ourselves, and if we opt not to change or even recognize those things,

We may see them all too clearly displayed distastefully in our mate, our children, and on a lesser scale, our friends.

Thereby making these behaviors their problems instead of owning them ourselves.

And as you know, we can never fix other people’s problems.

So, how do we see ourselves clearly? How can we know who we really are?

First, we must see ourselves through the eyes of God Almighty, filthy rags that we are.

Then realize that He has made a way to purify our very souls,

Done through the blood of the Lamb, The Son of the Living God, our brother Jesus Christ.

Allowing Him to clear our vision, seeing ourselves as we were and can be.

And at the same time, filtering our vision so we see others as He sees them.

Because it is only then that the reflection we see will be the truth, whether looking inward or outward to others.

Then we will truly be set free to see. 

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