Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Help! I've Been Kidnapped By The Yankees!

You'd think goin' on vacation in the South I'd be surrounded by southern people. But noooooo. I am in a housefull of you-know-whats.

And of course, one of Them wants to talk about the strange ways of Southern folk.

So, although she has it backerds, and it is they that are quare, I agreed to let her have the floor, so to speak.

Here goes, words from Yankee Cousin:
First of all, when I am down South, I am always in the minority. For once, it is the other way around, and I love it!

Southern Cousin says she is not only Southern,  but she is tall, pale, and blonde in a house full of short,dark complected, dark haired women. She stands out like a sore thumb. Gee, I never felt that way at her house. ha!

You want to know the difference between the North and the South?

Let's talk about the way the Southern people speak.

For instance, when a Northern person is talking with another person and  you want them to do something, you will say, "What you should do...."

A Southerner says, "What you need to do is..."

A Northern greeting is, "Hi guys!"

A Southern greeting is, "Hey ya'll!"

North: "I'm going to the store."

South: "I'm fixin' to go to the store."

North: "Plug in the TV."

South: "Plug up the TV."

North: "Let's go swimming."

South: "Let's go to the pool."

Southern people leave off all g's on their ing's.

*add by me: Daughter told me she and Boy Yankee Cousins were eating and she asked them to pass the soda crackers. They did not know what that was. She said, "They are right in front of you." (I know she gave them that 'you are stupider than a rock' look she is so famous for. Boy Yankee cousin said, "Oh, you mean the saltines."

But our differences are so insignificant compared to what we have in common: our childhood memories that bond us in our hearts and in our lives. We are a sister to each other, even if blood says it is cousins. We are in tune with one another, thinking the same things at the same time. In many ways, we view the world the same. We know we are going to spend eternity together, which is a wonderful comfort and joy!

Every year I would come down to spend the summer, and I was always afraid that things would be different between us because Southern Cousin was (still is) three years older than  me, and I just knew she'd be more sophisticated and not want to be with me anymore.

That never happened. We were able to pick up right where we left off.

Just like we did last night.

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