Saturday, December 22, 2012

Things That Change Your Life

I've written short stories, poems and essays since I was ten. I always said I'd never write a book, I'm too impatient, I bore easily, blah blah. Of course, I wrote a book (or five).

But the first one, "Falling", helped me when I was still in such pain I was up much of the time during the night, unable to sleep or even lie still. So, I'd get up and type a chapter or a page or a paragraph.

Thank God a good doctor found a medication combo that helped me some, and I can (usually) sleep through the night.

The book still helps me in another way too, and that is people of all ages and both sexes tell me how much the book means to them. I am amazed, because I wrote it for young girls, high school and college age. And it is a simple book. But maybe not as simple as it seems.

I've been honking my horn so loudly about my three recent books, that I haven't mentioned "The Crow and The Wind" in a long time, either. A children's book that came from a dream. God stuff, that.

And my talented husband who can draw anything I can envision.

Pretty cool, huh?

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