Friday, December 7, 2012

Rainbows, Lollipops and Okay, Just Rainbows

When you think about the first rainbow, it's pretty amazing. It had never rained until the flood (no wonder they thought Noah was nuts), so naturally, there'd never been a rainbow until after the flood.

Now, God said this very first rainbow was a sign of His Covenant that He would never destroy the entire Earth again with water. God never breaks His Word, like we do, so now all we have to worry about is fire. Ha!

Anyway, I bet Noah was pretty darn impressed with that rainbow. I mean, I am still awed by the rainbow every single time I see one.

I've seen a double rainbow three times. Once in the field close to where I live, once coming into the state of Louisiana, where the double rainbow double arched like a multi-colored McDonald's sign, right over the "Welcome to the Great State of Louisiana". The other time I was on my way to the funeral of one of the best men I've known.

I was standing in the parking lot of our church last year. My husband was talking with a buddy (you know how men are), and I was standing, looking around, bored. I happened to look up at the clear blue sky and this teeny little white cloud was sporting a swath of rainbow on it's edge. I interrupted the fellows who were so eagerly conversing about some fascinating topic (like car engines - s.n.o.r.e.) to look at what was in the sky! They finally saw it, just before it faded away. Sheesh. I almost didn't have witnesses.

For my grand finale paragraph: I actually, not kidding, saw the END OF THE RAINBOW.  No monkey! It was in the same field where I saw the double. There were  no other cars on the road, so I slowed to a stop to really stare. No pot of gold. Not that I expected one. I knew one of those little whipper snapper leprechauns had probably already snuck in and run like the wind with the gold stuff. But what I did see was pretty neat. Yessir. The rainbow looked like it was shooting straight up  out of the ground!

Huh. Maybe I didn't really see the end after all. Maybe I saw the beginning!

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