Saturday, December 1, 2012

She has Personality!

There is a lot written on how children form their personalities. Only children, oldest child, middle child, the BABY.

My personality is that of an only child. Even though I am not. An only child, that is.

However; for the first decade of my life, an only child is what I was, and in many ways still am.

In the span of ten minutes, forty-eight years ago today, I became a big sister. Twice. Both boys.

There was an incredible amount of excitement at our house! First off, my mother did not think she could get pregnant again (hahahahahahaha). Secondly, twins were in no way expected from this expecting. (hahahahahaha).

But these fellows were more like my live baby dolls, then my own babies, as my mother worked full time after they turned a year old. And guess who helped raised them? Yes, that would be yours truly.

So, in many ways, I am their second mother as much as I am their sister.

And that's okay by me.

Happy birthday, brothers of mine.

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