Friday, November 4, 2016

And So It Begins

As I have stated before, when a book is written, "The End" seems to be just the beginning.

So much else has to be done to get it from manuscript form to a published book that you can purchase.

My newest book, "Bensy and Me" has been finished. My  publisher says books should arrive on Monday.

Lots of books.

I  have a book signing scheduled, a TV show scheduled and hope to be interviewed by the local newspaper in the near future.

I will soon be sending everyone I know an e-mail, informing them of the availability of the new book and of the upcoming book signing.

I will try to balance between folks really seeing it and folks getting really sick of seeing it on Facebook.

It would be a sad, sad thing if only my mother showed up. Well, and whoever drove her, of course. (Hey! That might even be me!)

I am excited.

But also a little anxious. I can only hope that people will like the book, refer it to others, and laugh while they are reading it.

Also, I think all writers want feedback. We crave it. But it is not only helpful to hear what people found entertaining, but what they did not. 

Yep, even the not. 

Don't be cruel to me (please!) but I really don't mind constructive criticism. Even if I don't agree with it. Heck, sometimes I don't even agree with the positive comments.

Anywho, once again, I'm putting it all out there, baring my soul, so to speak, for you, dear reader, to inspect.

I think I'll go throw up a little.

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