Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Am I Old, or What?

I have often felt incompetent in some area - usually because I was incompetent.

I have very good intentions of getting this blog site to a place where anyone who wants to purchase a book of mine can click on a link and have the book coming their way.

I am also working on making one of my novels, "Signs from God" an e-book.

And, Daughter has promised to record me, myself, reading a little bit from each book, so you will know what the book is about, and whether it would interest you to purchase it.

This is hard.

Because I don't have a clue as to what I am doing.

I stare a lot.

I need help.

A damsel in distress, if you will.

If I had big blue eyes, I'd flutter them at some helpless geek and see if I could get assistance post haste.

My eyes are green and squinty, so that's out.

Anyway, I'm old.

Are there any old geeks?

Anywho, even when I get something done, I'm not sure it's done correctly, so I fret over that.

Maybe by the time I'm too old to write, I'll have this thing where I want it.

I resent it, sorta, because it is cutting into my writing time, which is where I am competent, at least enough to satisfy myself.

I need help, people.

As if you didn't know that already.

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