Saturday, February 28, 2015

Give me a P! Give me an E! Give me a T! Whadda ya got? Trouble!

Don't you worry none, I will be blogging about the snow, a.k.a. the BIG snow. Just not today.

Many of you are pet lovers. Many of you don't really like animals unless they are cooked on your plate.  Some of you are in between; animals are okay, but they need to be outside.


I could never be a farmer. I'd have pigs in the parlor and cows in the kitchen if it got cold outside.

As you know, we have four three cats and a dog.

Let me make it clear from the get go: I don't think they are equal to people. People come first. But I also believe that God gave us a duty to care for animals, and not be neglectful or abusive toward them.

Let me make it also clear that I am really the pushover I have described, and I reckon it's my business.

Today, I am sharing, so it can be your business, too!

For those of  you who aren't fond of our four legged friends, this may sound a bit gross.

But Husband has found out that Bonnie, our Dog, likes coffee. So he's (Husband, not Dog) taken to letting her have the last few drops in his mug. She larps it up ecstatically.

But that's not the gross part.  The gross, not to mention comical, part, is husband shared his last drop of coffee the other morning, and because he was carrying on intelligent conversation yakking, he walked into the kitchen and got a drink of water - out of that mug. The groaning and spitting that was going on as soon as he realized what he'd done was pretty funny. And gross.

Both Husband and Daughter have started feeding Eli, Alpha Cat, from the table, if we are having chicken, which we do a lot.

So, the other day, toward the end of the meal, Eli figured it was time for some sharing. He is very long, so standing on his hind feet, his front feet and head were above the table. Then he proceeded to steal food off the edge of Daughter's plate.

 'Eli is very long (or tall). We had chicken for dinner. And, because SOMEONE feeds him from the table, he figured we were about finished and it was his turn.  He is standing on the floor, by the way.'

Daughter quickly knocked the bite of the food off her plate and put her hand between Eli and the plate, but it was too late. Eli got the chicken.

We thought this was adorable. Some of  you will, too. Others will be, well, grossed out.

Dog sleeps in her crate, but the cats sleep wherever they want to upstairs. Usually, if it is cold, Frost sleeps between Husband and me, while Eli sleeps on the other side of me.

That's nice and warm until I try to turn over. Having twenty pounds of cat on each side of you, pinning down the covers, makes it hard to move. And when a cat wants to be asleep, it becomes boneless and limp. So it's a lot like trying to move a twenty pound sack of taters.

Over all, let me say it takes a lot of extra work having pets in the house. You have to vacuum more, you have to make sure the dishes they eat (or drink) out of are dishwasher washed, so the heat kills bacteria. Unless you share like Husband did.

There's a litter box to empty, fur to be brushed, etc.

But, if  you are a pet lover, as I obviously am, it's worth it.

At least, on most days.

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