Monday, August 18, 2014

Sins at the table

I thought I was going to have to take a trip to the local ER the other evening due to an accidental overdose of green beans.

Daughter wasn't home. There were "a few" leftovers. Green beans specifically.

Husband said, "There aren't enough for both of us. You can have them and I'll open a can of soup beans."

I was giddy with greed.

You see, those particular type of green beans are my favorite. They are full of shell beans, and when cooked get almost a mushy soup beany flavor, but not quite, because of course, they are green beans.

And I ate enough for two people.

And I suffered.

Lawd, how I suffered.

I truly felt like something might have to come up before I could ever have peace again.

What was I thinking?

Did I truly believe I could get away with such gluttony?

I mean, after all, it was green beans, not cheese cake or chocolate pie.

But, as they say, even too much of a good thing isn't.

And it wasn't.

Lesson learned, right?

Nope I did it again, today, just a few hours ago.

Somebody call an ambulance.

I don't think I'm gonna make it this time.

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