Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Sit! Stay!" God Can Do As He Pleases

This blog may make some people uncomfortable, or even angry.

That's what I'm here for!

I firmly believe that God uses animals all the time to do His will, saving people in ways that we see as miraculous.

The first story that comes to mind is the recent incident where the dog somehow got the phone and dialed 9-1-1 when his master fell and was unconscious.

But if you read much, you'll come across this stuff all the time.

When God was busy creating this universe and all that's in it, the Bible says God breathed a spirit into Adam's body, (made from the earth), Adam became nephesh, a living being or "soul". (Genesis 2:7) The same Hebrew word, nephesh, is used for animals and for people. We are told that animals as well as people have "the breath of life" in them. God hand-made animals.

Don't get me wrong. They don't have human souls, nor were they made in God's image, as people were.

Christians in the past believed, without question, that animals had their own souls. It wasn't even questioned until the advent of seventeenth century of Enlightenment. Throughout the history of the church, the classic understanding of living things has included the doctrine that animals, as well as humans, have souls.*

This really upsets some people, I'm not sure why.

Perhaps, because of this fact, I have seen God's Hand work in animals in ways that saved the day, so to speak.

Not too awfully long after I had the back surgery that changed my life, I was at home, alone. Molly (my American Bulldog) and I had been out walking. We'd been in just a few minutes when I noticed her muzzle was swelling up. Her breathing became labored, it was fast becoming a medical emergency.

It was 7:30 a.m. I prayed that someone at the animal hospital would answer the phone, and they did. I told them what was happening and they said to come on in, but there would be no vet there till 8:30 or 9:00 a.m.

I got Molly to struggle to the car, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get up in the car.

She was smothering to death.

I couldn't lift or even help this 100 pound animal, so I stood there crying hysterically. I prayed like crazy, and finally started praying out loud. "Lord, You see this situation. You know I can't do anything. But I know You can do everything. I know Molly doesn't have free will like I do, and right now I thank you for that. We need help. In the name of Jesus Christ, Molly, get in the car."

She did.

I prayed all the way to the vet, as her condition became worse by the minute. I prayed for no traffic, and the way was clear. I prayed out loud that a vet would just decide out of the blue to show up to work early and be there by the time we got there.

One did.

They told me Molly wouldn't make it, it was too late.

She is eight years old now.

Do I hear a "Praise the Lord!"?

Yesterday I had to get my geriatric (not a) pet cat Lily to the vet. She is terrified of a carrier and the last time I put her in one I got a gash on my hand that stayed for months.

So I prayed that God would see fit to allow her to gently be placed in the carrier.

He did.

Now, my God is an awesome God, and He shows this to me in different ways every day.

But when He does something for just me and mine, it makes me feel more loved than anyone else on the planet.

I can never repay Him.

But I sure can praise Him!

*Heaven by Randy Alcorn

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