Monday, April 29, 2013

Bird (on the) Brain

Boy, we sure have had a lot of rain! In a town where there are three big rivers and about one or two bazillion creeks, that can become a pretty dangerous thing.

Yesterday rivers and creeks were coming out of their banks while it continued to thunder and rain to beat the band.

This morning it was quite overcast (the sun is weakly shining now).

I don't know if this had anything to do with what all has been going on outside my windows, but you have to wonder.

I looked out, and there was one - no two!- Indigo Buntings eating seed in our yard. These birds are small and a deep royal blue color that, as my  husband says, will make you want to throw rocks at the Eastern Blue Bird, because the Bunting is so much bluer. Pretty soon they were joined by the male Cardinal. I was impressed.

Suddenly up in the tree I saw a bird I'd never seen before, and Husband said he thought it was a Rose Breasted Grosbeak. He looked it up, it was. Then another joined it, mates I suppose.

At one point, one Grosbeak, one Indigo Bunting, and one Eastern Blue Bird were sitting on the same limb.

I kid you not.

Suddenly, the Red Bellied Woodpecker joined the group, too.

I tell you, I am still giddy.

How do I prove all this? Did I take pictures, you ask?

Foolish, foolish question.

Of course not.

Oh, I got my camera out. And Lord knows I tried.

But guess whose zoom has decided to quit? Guess whose focus lens is on the death list?

Yep.  That would be my camera.

Of course, Husband's battery is dead. (His camera's, not his personal battery, I don't think he has one).

Daughter's camera was in the drawer and by the time she got it out of the drawer and case and got to a window, the birds had flown.

You may enter the expletive of your choice here:                            .

Thank God for Google.

Indigo Bunting
Red Bellied Woodpecker
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
male Cardinal
Don't forget to look out your windows today. You  might get a rainbow of birds.

That's all for now. Gotta go back to the bay window and see if there's a Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker out there.

I hear there's one born every  minute!

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