Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sales are Like Fish - or is it Birds?

I've only sold a few books in the last few months, but suddenly I've sold twenty-six.

It seems like what one does several do, like naming your child Heather. It's weird, but I think we are all connected somehow.

Now, I know you are probably underwhelmed at either number, but for someone who hasn't published a book lately and who has no PR person or agent or much ability to get out there and push my books myself, that's pretty good.

I don't write to make a living ( thank goodness!), I write because I am compelled. It's a joy and a drive.

People who read my books tell me I'm bound to "hit the big time" any moment, because they think my books are really good, and I thank them.

However; you do have to be in the right place at the right time, and apparently I ain't been there.

Plus,  maybe God doesn't want me there yet, or maybe never.

That's okay. I don't want to be famous, although a little richer would be nice! However; I can't complain.

The old Apple Festival is looming this weekend and I got to get myself back to the store that sells my books locally. They've sold several and I didn't know it. Guess I should be better at keeping up with this kind of thing. Plus, a check wouldn't hurt.

So, if you haven't read any or all my books, now would be a good time to jump on the band wagon and buy 'em.  Like a lemming or whatever.

I'm just sayin...

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