Friday, October 25, 2013

Gotta Have a New Pad, Baby

That sounds so cool, doesn't it?


It actually means I have to have a new digital pad for my oven.

I think I mentioned in a previous blog that some of the number pads had stopped working. 

Well, I got down to the 1, the 4, and the 7. I could do 477 for cornbread and it would beep rudely at me and change it to 475.

But rolls and such that have to be baked at three something is a thing of the past.

I knew the guy was coming this afternoon to take a look, so I was afraid to start dinner. Husband went out and brought it back.

The guy didn't come until almost five o'clock, so I could have made that potato, broccoli and cheese soup I was hankering for.

Maybe tomorrow.

Of course, he didn't actually fix my stove. Oh, no.

He had to go to his secret place and will let me know how much it's gonna cost me.

Then, if I say okay, (what else can I say?) he'll order the part.

Then he'll work me in to repair the oven.

Who knows?

I may be able to bake rolls by springtime.

I'll let you know.

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