Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fish I Have Known

We presently have one fish, Tobias. He is a Siamese Fighting Fish, or Beta. He's a beautiful red and blue, and has enjoyed his life on the window sill above the kitchen sink.  He watches with interest as we go about our cooking or cleaning up or playing games.

But now, he is dying. He hasn't eaten anything in three days, and just lies at the bottom of the bowl. I have tried fresh water, hoping that would help, but of course, it did not. We've had him around three years, and that's about as long as we can keep one alive.

How do you keep a fish comfortable? I think mostly leave him alone.

We have had many Beta fish:
Red Fish, Dep, and and Mercury.  I kept one Beta on my desk for years, replacing it when it died. But  I never named them.

Our goldfish have been Mr. Bouncer, who lived about three years,  Zippy, who lived almost five years and might have kept on living, but we had no water because of a hurricane striking our area, and his water got so dirty I risked using Mother's water.

Killed him right off.

One from the county fair that lived overnight, quickly giving it up the next morning. I don't think we named him.

I don't think fish can die from fright, can they? Hmmmm.....

Anyway, even though fish aren't exactly what you call pets, (after all, you can't pet them) I still feel sad when I see one starting to decline and it becomes obvious he ain't gonna make it.

Tobias, you will be missed, buddy.

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