Thursday, October 24, 2013

Flu Shots and Graveyards

So, that was my day, how was  yours?

Mother, Daughter and I went together to get our flu shots.

Mother got a super duper honkin' special flu shot because of her age (over sixty-five). Her frail little nothing arms show nary a scratch from the injection.

Daughter got a regular flu shot in her skinny, iddy biddy arms. Nary a scratch on her, either.

I got a regular flu shot in my big old ham hocker arm and I have a bloody, bruised spot with a large pump knot under the skin.

Go figure.

After that, we visited Mount Vernon Church's cemetery.

What a fun day!

No, really.

We were looking for any grave with the name Sawyer attached to it, and by golly we found two. Mother knew they would be buried among the Shepard's, because her granddaddy's sister had married a Shepard.

The two we found, as best Mother could figure, were her great-grandparents.

She really enjoyed walking around looking at different tombstones, reminiscing about people she knew.

It was a pretty brisk day, but other than that, the ground was flat and the trip pleasant.

Made us hungry.

Graveyards will do that to you, I supposed. I guess that's why everybody gets fed so much after a funeral.

We all ate together, which was fun. We are going out together less and less, because Mother doesn't feel like going out.

So today was a red letter day.

Flu shots, graveyards and all.

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