It's vacation time at our house.
Not because we are going anywhere, but because we can't go anywhere.
It is amazing the freedom being snowed in brings. You can't fulfill any responsibilities, like appointments or school. The other end of the responsibility can't either, so it's a win/win.
We have plenty of food, so I've been a cooking fool. We have plenty of firewood, so I am "wasting" it on a fire in the fireplace, according to Husband. Like, uh, hello,what am I supposed to do with firewood?
Husband says it needs to be saved for emergencies. I'm not sure what kind, but I suppose he means if the electricity goes off. I would agree with him if it weren't for the fact that we have a whole rack thingie full of firewood.
Being on vacation also makes it easy to put things off. Vacuuming? We'll finish that tomorrow. Finish dusting the living room so all the doo dads can be put back on the table? Eh, tomorrow we'll have plenty of time.
This could be dangerous. I've seen those hoarder shows where everything gets all gommed up and you can't move around in the house, except for a skinny little trail between last decade's newspapers, which form walls up to the ceiling. (But don't worry about the newspapers - I've got that covered. I'll use 'em for kindling.)
So as the sun sets in the west on another vacation day, I give this word of advise to you:
Watch where you step, at least at my house.
But don't worry, we'll get it straightened and picked up.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
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