Boy howdy, was it cold last night!
Just for fun, (no, I don't have a life, why do you ask?) I kept calling the little feller in the box what talks to you and tells you what time it really is and the temperature. Every time I called him, it was a few degrees lower.
Husband had to take Dog out at 10:45 p.m. and was surprised that it was snowing, and the ground already white.
Husband said Dog seemed scared of the falling snow and wanted back in quickly. That's a guard dog for you.
As I read in bed, my favorite pass time at night, cats began to join me. At first it was all four of them, but Eli disappeared at some point, and Daughter reported he slept with her.
That's a good thing, because I was having a hard time turning over as it was.
At eight a.m. it was a bracing twelve degrees on our back porch, there was a light dusting of snow in the woods and yard, and the wind was brisk.
I think the highest it got today was thirty-one degrees.
And snow on Sunday? Really.
Man, I love living in the South during global warming, don't you?
Friday, January 3, 2014
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