If you read my blog the other day about Mother's, er, excitement at the bank, you know she can be prone to getting a little upset.
This memory keeps bumping around in my brain, so I figured, eh, hey, why not just go ahead and share. That's what blogging is all about, right?
Anyway, when Brothers were around age seven, Mother and Daddy were picking them up from school early one day for a dentist appointment.
They were parked across the street from the elementary school, waiting on my brothers to come out of the school.
In a moment, my daddy told me on the telephone that night (I was living away at the time), my brothers came out of the school. Suddenly, another little boy came out right behind them. He was a very big "little" boy, a head taller and many pounds heavier than my brothers. (He grew up to be a very big man, in prison now for murder. But this is now and that was then.)
The bigger boy walked up behind Brothers and shoved them both in the back, knocking their books out of their arms.
Daddy said he turned to say something to Mother about it, to find she was no longer in the car. He then turned his head to the left, and there dear old Mom was, slappin' that boy up a side a da head.
What a family!
I was laughing so hard at the tale I could hardly breathe. Mother came on the line, hysterically crying. "I've hit another person's child! How could I have done that?"
Laughter. Me, Daddy.
"This is NOT funny! I've done a terrible thing!"
Laughter - me, Daddy.
Ahhh, good times.
At any rate, she called and apologized to the boy's parents. They weren't too happy, but they did accept her apology.
I think this story embarrasses my brother's to this day.
Mother, too.
Not me, buddy.
Not me.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
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