All day today I have been like an anxious child awaiting its mother's home coming. I have not been able to stay away from the windows, looking, looking.
I had to make sure it was still snowing.
Twenty-nine years ago today Husband and I got married.
There was a huge snow and ice storm the night before and we almost didn't make it to the church.
For our first anniversary there was a big old snow storm, which was great, as we were together, snug. The horror began when we turned on the television and watched The Challenger explode in mid-air.
For our second anniversary we were snowed in.
Do you sense a theme going on here?
But it was fine, I love snow, I love Husband.
Then the weather changed and our snowy anniversaries stopped.
Until today.
Today has been a lovely day of snow. There are two inches on the ground and on the trees. It's twenty degrees. We have a nice fire going. Daughter is home safe, and we cooked a wonderful meal of roasted broccoli, quartered red potatoes cooked in olive oil, and chicken cooked with garlic, and biscuits.
It's supposed to snow more tonight. So I guess tomorrow is cancelled, so to speak.
By Saturday, it's supposed to be around sixty.
Go figure.
But for now, I'm headed to the fireplace to be hypnotized by the flames. And Scrabble is awaiting my presence.
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