I called the library this morning to see if they had a book I desperately need.
You see, I am reading (or gobbling up) Craig Johnson's books. One must read them in order, as they are about the life of a small town sheriff.
I have two books that are to be returned, one I checked out and one I have on the sly from a friend (you know who you are). She read the book in one day, so I got it from her after church Sunday and finished it yesterday. It is still getting back to the library seven days before it's due, so if there is a person in line for it, they will be thrilled and none the wiser that I got to read it.
Anyway, the girl at the library said they did indeed have the book I wanted, if I didn't mind large print. (I didn't ask her, but why would anybody mind large print?) I told her Husband would be by this afternoon to get it.
I was happy! I could start a new book, one that I really, really was looking forward to!
In less than five minutes the phone rang. It was the Library Lady. She said she'd looked everywhere and could not locate the book.
I was not happy.
Somebody needs to call the Li-burry Po-leece! I mean, really. Has someone snuck off with my book without checking it out at the desk? Don't they have detectors at the library doors for those thieving rat finks?
Anyway, see what I mean? Happiness is fleeting.
I believe we can have that deep abiding peace and joy Christ talked about. I have it, in fact, whether I'm happy or not.
And I also think God doesn't care whether we are happy. Many times He puts me in situations that makes me pretty unhappy. Growth and discipline aren't always fun filled, you know.
But I have His peace.
I wouldn't trade that for all the happy in the world.
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