There is a lot of hatred in this world.
I don't mean the kind like I hate avocados, which I truly do. They can all disappear for all I care.
I'm talking about the hate we seem to have for one another.
Why is this? People, I guess, have wondered this throughout time. Are we afraid of those that are different than ourselves? We must be.
Some folks hate people who can't agree with everything they say.
I'd be one lonely person, myself.
I know friendships, families and churches have split apart over very silly things. I have known churches to break up over music. Not because the music wasn't biblical (In fact, many of the old hymns aren't biblical). But because they had a new beat, or a guitar or a drum was included.
Satan must laugh his butt off sometimes.
All of us have known terrible racial hatred of some kind in our life time. It may not have been directed at us, and we may not have participated, but we have seen it.
I got a picture in my e-mail the other day. Looking upon it literally made my heart hurt.
It is a man in an emergency room who has been badly wounded. He looks like he is bleeding to death. He is lying on a gurney and a doctor is valiantly trying to save him. He is yelling for something, one nurse is turning to someone, telling them to get something, or do something, I'm sure. The other nurses are by the doctor's side, busy. The still photo is full of motion, medical staff moving so fast they are blurred.
All the staff, doctor, and nurses, are black. The man on the gurney is white.
He is wearing a Klu Klux Klan outfit.
Was he conscious when he got there? Did he see who tried to save him? Or maybe they did save him. I don't know.
I just pray that his eyes were opened.
And I don't mean physically.
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