I have spent the day with one of my very best friends.
We've known each other since sixth grade. We were both raised here, but I guess because she went to a "country" school and I was a townie, our paths just never crossed.
But when her little elementary school was closed down and all the kids in that "settlement" were bused to town, there she was.
As kids we fished together, camped together, ate together, wrote stories together, sang together, and talked.
A lot.
After high school, our paths drifted apart, and although we saw each other from time to time, we were no longer best buds. Nothing bad happened, just time.
Then about sixteen years ago, Family was looking for another church. We walked into this church (where we still attend) and there she was. She was the piano player and thrilled to see me, as I was her.
Our friendship picked up right where it left off, and we haven't turned loose.
It's so good to have someone who is a peer. Spiritually, we pray for one another, we consult one another, and we hold one another accountable when necessary. We share books, ideas, life stories, and food, of course.
She is like a drink of cool water. I don't have to have my guard up about anything. I don't have to watch what I say, or be concerned she won't 'get it'.
She always gets it.
She shares birthdays with my daughter. She helped my daughter learn to drive.
We stay abreast of each other's families and health problems, woes and joys. We have grieved together and for one another, but we have rejoiced, too.
So, today was like sixth grade. She told me about her latest fishing trip, we talked about writing, we talked about music, we ate together, and we talked.
A lot.
I thank the good Lord for friends.
Where would we be without them?
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