Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way From the Bathroom

You know, when you are sharing a house with ten  other people, no matter how big the house may be, things can get kind of harried. Especially when there are only three bathrooms.

Our bathroom, unfortunately, also had an outside door that led straight to the pool. It was a very popular venue. We were also trying to share it with many, many other people, several of them young men (read that boys).

I was always in a hurry while I was in there, a nervous wreck that I had not secured one of the three doors. One does not want to scar a young man by startling him with a fifty (cough, cough, goodness! Excuse  me!) person's body parts.

Turns out, that didn't happen, but on our last day I was getting dressed and Husband says, "Wife, Yankee Cousin is here to speak to you."

So I come out of the bathroom pulling up  my brand new sailor pants. They were mostly up around my hips. You can imagine my surprise when not only Yankee Cousin was standing there, but Yankee Cousin's Husband was also present.

"OH!" I exclaimed, trying to decide if backing up or turning around was the best way to least I had on lacy drawers.

As I closed the bathroom door, I heard Yankee Cousin's Husband say, "It was nice seeing you!"


I came back out in a moment, and said, very coolly, in my most sultry voice, "Hello, Sonny." (that's his name, I ain't calling him sonny like a little old lady).

Husband and  Daughter both swore that Yankee Cousin's Husband popped up out of no where before they could say anything to me.

Whatever. He's old like me, so it doesn't much matter.

Their boys have no idea how lucky they are that it was their poor old daddy instead of them that saw this debacle.

Vacations are fun, huh.

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