Taking my mother for her post-op visit, we had good news, things are progressing with her eye well.
The doctor we use for eye care has been seeing us as patients since Daughter was seven or so. I have seen him go from his late twenties to his early forties, and Daughter takes every opportunity to remind him of how "old" he is. It is a running joke between them.
She ran errands for us while Mother was having her exam. He came out with us, and he heard me say Daughter should be there to pick us up soon. His eyes lit up and he said he needed to see her. I said, "Really?"
"Yes," he said nodding solemnly. "I have to test her."
"About what?"
"Her dedication to me." And as he said it, he brought out from under the counter a giant Nerf gun. "She has to shoot Secretary."
Daughter called about that time and I told her the good doctor needed to see her, to come into the clinic when she arrived.
Meanwhile, Doctor got Mother behind the counter and my dear, elderly, sweet (ha) Mother shot Secretary four times! (He took a picture, see it at your right.)Secretary was holding up a folder in front of her face, just in case Mother actually hit her. Before the last shot, Mother said, "You can put that down, I'm finished." She was still doing a dead aim right at Secretary.
"I can see you in the mirror!" Secretary said, not falling for it.
Daughter came in asked, "What does the old geezer want?" She refused to play.
I guess boys will be boys and old women will be - hmmm. Mean as a bank robber.
Then I got a call from a friend who has been having some pretty serious health problems, and I'd e-mailed him urging him to let me know how he is doing.
He talked briefly about his own health and promised to let me know the results of things when he heard. But he was chomping at the bit to tell me about a mutual friend who'd had some pretty terrible stuff going on.
Suffice it to say she had a bad accident and hurt her head and back. So she had a scan to see what all the back injury entailed. But when the doctor called her in, he reported they'd found a tumor.
I've heard about this kind of thing over and over.
A calamity occurs and when the person is being treated for it, a hidden, more serious thing is found.
I guess God uses whatever He chooses to bring attention to the big deal.
In my life, it seems I get all in a tizzy about something, and in the end, that's not the important thing I should be dealing with. I've completely overlooked what God is trying to tell me.
God has to get our attention sometimes in ways we wish weren't so hard. I understand that He knows best. I also understand we never do.
We do need to "fear not" and know that "He is with us always". We need to lighten up and truly believe He has it under control. We need to trust Him with our lives.
Our fear always comes from worrying that His will ain't gonna be our will.
Turn it over to God, let Him handle it, and play more.
Be more like my good doctor, no?
Now, where did I put my Nerf gun....
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