I don't blog on Sunday, usually. But today I am compelled to do so.
At church today we did the 4th of July thing, saying allegiance to the American flag and then the Christian flag. I am ashamed to say I don't know all the words to one of them, and I bet you can guess which one.
We sang Christian hymns about God blessing our country, and that this county is based on Christian beliefs and laws from the Bible.
A slide show was very nicely done, the song "God Bless the USA" playing while different images were on the screen, including pictures of all the men in our congregation who have served this country in uniform. Husband is one of them.
At the last "And I'll gladly stand up next to you...." the congregation began standing and singing in a spontaneous way.
"God Bless the USA" was sung with heartfelt emotion and then everyone applauded. I had tears streaming down my face.
Not because I was warmed by it, but because I don't believe it anymore.
I don't believe we honor God's word in this country anymore.
I wish I could find the quote of one of our forefathers who basically said this country was founded on biblical principle, God's law, and only godly people would find comfort and fit in, in this country.
I don't believe we are the majority anymore. I believe the country is being changed so that others do find comfort and fit in, in this country.
Those of us who do believe are soft, spoiled, lazy, and apparently apathetic.
People have demanded their rights, above any law God may have set for His creation. No one cares anymore what God has to say about it, as long as they get their right. Their right to do whatever they please. And if you call them on their immorality or their unethical behavior, you are a bigot and you just don't know how to be tolerant.
God has been tolerant of our poor behavior for quite a while now. We have thumbed our collective noses at the Almighty, and it seems to me that folks get braver everyday, pushing 'the envelope' a little further each time. It's as though folks are thinking, "We got away with that, so let's see if we can get away with this."
Well, I have news for you: You don't have any rights. I don't have any rights. The only right we have, truly, are God's "Rights".
He has blessed this country beyond measure. And we have become demanding of it, thinking that no matter what, easy street will continue.
I prayed before our Bible Study started this morning that we would have a revival in this country. I prayed it would begin with me.
Our pastor was stirred this morning in a way I've never seen him stirred. At the end of the service almost everyone was on their knees in the altar.
But to tell you the truth, I just feel sad. Is it too late? Are there people I love that are being swept away by false doctrine because it's what they want to hear? What they have to believe in order to live without God?
The answer is yes.
God Bless the USA.
Yes - but for how much longer?
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